- variables
- numbers
- strings
List varieties on wsadmin shell
Let us have different data into the list and then try to access the elements using index values.
wsadmin>varlist=[100,'Raghav', 99.9,'M'] wsadmin>print varlist [100, 'Raghav', 99.9, 'M'] wsadmin>print varlist[2] 99.9 wsadmin>print varlist[1] Raghav
Number List in Jython
Lets experiment with different numbers on Jython shell. When I entered big number then Jython shell throwing Overflow error. To fix this we need to append 'L' this is only for assigning the values of List elements.
wsadmin>numlist=[9000,9999999999, 8988,0] Traceback (innermost last): (no code object) at line 0 OverflowError: integer literal too large wsadmin>numlist=[9000,9999999999L, 8980, 0] wsadmin>print numlist[1] 9999999999 wsadmin>print numlist[3] 0
String Lists
String variable also works in similar to other data types. Here we are considering the string as one element. Lets do experiment with this...
wsadmin>strlist=['Vybhava','Technologies','wsadmin','Jython Scripting'] wsadmin>print strlist ['Vybhava', 'Technologies', 'wsadmin', 'Jython Scripting'] wsadmin>print strlist[3] Jython Scripting
Sequence operators on List
Concatenation of multiple lists with + operator
wsadmin>newlist=strlist + numlist wsadmin>print newlist ['Vybhava', 'Technologies', 'wsadmin', 'Jython Scripting', 9000, 9999999999L, 8980, 0]
Multiplying with * operator.
wsadmin>strlist * 2 ['Vybhava', 'Technologies', 'wsadmin', 'Jython Scripting', 'Vybhava', 'Technologies', 'wsadmin', 'Jython Scripting']
Membership operation on List with 'in'
The 'in' operator is simple English word that help you to write conditional statement which will check the given element is member of list.
wsadmin>'wsadmin' in strlist 1 wsadmin>'python' in strlist 0
Slice the list
You can extract the required elements from the list using square braces [] with range separator as colon (:). The format of slice is [start:end] if you are not mention start value then it will fetches from the begin of the list. Similarly for end value is blank means it is going to slice up to the end of the list.wsadmin>strlist=['server1','server2','web1','web2'] wsadmin>print strlist[1:2] ['server2'] wsadmin>print strlist[1:3] ['server2', 'web1'] wsadmin>print strlist[:2] ['server1', 'server2'] wsadmin>print strlist[2:] ['web1', 'web2']
List methods
The python dir() command will gives you the method/attribute list of any object. Here we got 9 list methods, lets experiment on each and try to understand the usage.wsadmin>emptylist=[] wsadmin>print emptylist [] wsadmin>dir(emptylist) ['append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort'] wsadmin>emptylist.append('Praveen') wsadmin>emptylist wsadmin>emptylist.insert(1,'Sudheer') wsadmin>emptylist ['Preetham', 'Sudheer', 'Praveen'] wsadmin>revlist=emptylist wsadmin>revlist.reverse() wsadmin>emptylist ['Praveen', 'Sudheer', 'Preetham'] wsadmin>revlist ['Praveen', 'Sudheer', 'Preetham'] wsadmin>r=emptylist[:] wsadmin>r.reverse() wsadmin>r ['Preetham', 'Sudheer', 'Praveen'] wsadmin>emptylist ['Praveen', 'Sudheer', 'Preetham'] wsadmin>emptylist.extend('Pavan') wsadmin>emptylist ['Praveen', 'Sudheer', 'Preetham', 'P', 'a', 'v', 'a', 'n'] wsadmin>emptylist.pop() 'n' wsadmin>emptylist.remove('P') wsadmin>emptylist ['Praveen', 'Sudheer', 'Preetham', 'a', 'v', 'a'] wsadmin>emptylist.append('Preetham') wsadmin>emptylist.append('Preetham') wsadmin>emptylist ['Praveen', 'Sudheer', 'Preetham', 'a', 'v', 'a', 'Preetham' , 'Preetham'] wsadmin>emptylist.count('Preetham') 3 wsadmin>emptylist.sort() wsadmin>emptylist ['Praveen', 'Preetham', 'Preetham', 'Preetham', 'Sudheer', ' a', 'a', 'v']
Sequence functions on list objects
You could use sequence functions on tuple, list, string objects. Here I am going to show you on the list how it works:wsadmin>numlist [129, 22, 3] wsadmin>min(numlist) 3 wsadmin>max(numlist) 129 wsadmin>cmp(r,emptylist) 1 wsadmin>cmp(numlist,emptylist) -1 wsadmin>t=(10, 4, 5, 2) wsadmin>t2l=list(t) wsadmin>t2l [10, 4, 5, 2] wsadmin>t2l.append(100) wsadmin>t.append(55) ############### Tuples are immutable they don't allow us to add elements!! WASX7015E: Exception running command: "t.append(55)"; except ion information: com.ibm.bsf.BSFException: exception from Jython: Traceback (innermost last): File "", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'
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