Types of operators (inherited from Python):
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Relational operators
These simple experiments would give you a base for building automation scripts in your projects.
Jython Operators on wsadmin |
How can Jython deals with Arithmetic operators
Every language supports the Arthematic operators and in Jython same operators as in C or Python languages.
wsadmin>x,y = 10, 20 wsadmin>print x, y 10 20 wsadmin>x+y 30 wsadmin>x+y+30 60 wsadmin>y-x 10 wsadmin>x-y -10 wsadmin>x*y 200 wsadmin>x**2 100 wsadmin>y/x 2 wsadmin>y%x 0
How to use Jython Comparison operators?
The comparing operators mostly used in the 'if-else' or 'while' blocks which returns either True or False value. For each data type it will be different so see the examples executed at the wsadmin prompt.
Numeric comparison in Jython
wsadmin>10>1 1 wsadmin>20<34 1="" wsadmin="">20<2 0="" wsadmin="">10<10 0="" wsadmin="">10<=10 1
Tuple comparison in Jython
wsadmin>'app_server1' in ('app_server1','app_server2','ejb_server1','ejb_server2') 1 wsadmin>servers_list=('app_server1','app_server2','ejb_server1','ejb_server2') wsadmin>'appserver1' in servers_list 0
String comparison in Jython
wsadmin>'dmgr'=='dmgr' 1
Char comparison in Jython
wsadmin>'t'=='t' 1 wsadmin>'t'=='T' 0
List comparison in Jython
wsadmin>['dev_cell01',20]==['dev_cell01',20] 1 wsadmin>['dev_cell01',20]==[20,'dev_cell01'] 0
Dictionaries comparison in Jython
wsadmin>{'appserver1':8001}=={'appserver1':8001} 1 wsadmin>server_dict={'appserver1':8001} wsadmin>{'appserver1':8001}==server_dict 1 wsadmin>server_dict=={'appserver2':8001} 0
How can Jython Relational operators simplify your scripts?
Here is the set of releational operators usage examples
wsadmin>x>=10 1 wsadmin>x>=10 and y==20 1 wsadmin>x>10 or y==20 1 wsadmin>x>10 0 wsadmin>not x>10 1 wsadmin>not x>=10 0
Hope you enjoyed this short learning about operators. Please share your experiance with your friends and teams. Comment your expectations we will keep updating this blog frequently.