Thursday, September 4, 2014

Creating cluster using Jython wsadmin

Pre requisites 
As per todays experiment what I understood is we need the following are the pre-requisites for the Cluster configuration in WebSphere Environment:
1) Cell created with a DMGR Profile
2) Nodeagents created and added to the cell.
3) Dmgr, Nodeagent must be running.

Jython Script for Cluster

import sys
import os
import socket

#Get the operating system line separator from the linesep method of the os object
nl = os.linesep

# Store the Cell identifier for the specified Cell
cellID = AdminConfig.list('Cell')
cellName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(cellID, 'name')

#derives the environment type from the cellName
sName = cellName.replace("Cell","")
sName = sName.replace("Demo","")

# Store the Node identifier for the specified Node
nodeIDs = AdminConfig.list('Node').split(nl)
nodeNames = AdminTask.listNodes().split(nl)

# Identify each node and it's purpose so we can start creating servers and clusters on the
# appropriate nodes
for nid in nodeIDs:
 nname=AdminConfig.showAttribute(nid, 'name')
 nname=nname.replace(sName, "")
 if nname == "AppSrvNode":
 elif nname == "AppSrvNode02":
# Store the node names
Node1Name = AdminConfig.showAttribute(NID01, 'name')
Node2Name = AdminConfig.showAttribute(NID02, 'name') 
print Node1Name,Node2Name

# Create the cluster and store the cluster name
print "\nCreating the Demo cluster"
clusterID = AdminTask.createCluster('[-clusterConfig [-clusterName Demo' + sName + 'Cluster -preferLocal true]]')
clusterName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(clusterID, 'name')

# Creates all of the cluster members on the specified nodes
print "\nCreating the cluster members for the Demo cluster"
def createClusterMembers(nn01, nn02, clustName):
 i = 1
 while i <= 2:
  if i == 1:
   AdminTask.createClusterMember('[-clusterName ' + clustName + ' -memberConfig [-memberNode ' + nn01 + ' -memberName Demo' + sName + 'CM' + str(i) + ' -memberWeight 2 -genUniquePorts true -replicatorEntry false] -firstMember [-templateName default -nodeGroup DefaultNodeGroup -coreGroup DefaultCoreGroup]]')
  elif i > 1:
   AdminTask.createClusterMember('[-clusterName ' + clustName + ' -memberConfig [-memberNode ' + nn01 + ' -memberName Demo' + sName + 'CM' + str(i) + ' -memberWeight 2 -genUniquePorts true -replicatorEntry false]]')
 while i <=4:
  AdminTask.createClusterMember('[-clusterName ' + clustName + ' -memberConfig [-memberNode ' + nn02 + ' -memberName Demo' + sName + 'CM' + str(i) + ' -memberWeight 2 -genUniquePorts true -replicatorEntry false]]')

createClusterMembers(Node1Name, Node2Name, clusterName)
# Gets a list of all the newly created cluster members
cmIDs = AdminConfig.list('ClusterMember', clusterID).split(nl)

#Lists all of the application servers
serverName = []
serverID = AdminTask.listServers('-serverType APPLICATION_SERVER').split(nl)
for sid in serverID:
 serverName.append(AdminConfig.showAttribute(sid, 'name'))


# This function saves any configuration changes to the master respository
def saveConfig():
 print ""
 print "Saving changes to the master repository"
 print ""
 print "DONE!"

# The following function Syncs all of the nodes with an active/started nodeagent task
def syncNodes():
 nodelist = AdminConfig.list('Node').split(nl)
 print "\n\n########################################"
 print "### Synchronizing the Nodes"
 print "########################################\n"
 for n in nodelist:
  nodename = AdminConfig.showAttribute(n, 'name')
  objname = "type=NodeSync,node=" + nodename + ",*"
  Syncl = AdminControl.completeObjectName(objname)
  if Syncl != "":
   if AdminControl.invoke(Syncl, 'isNodeSynchronized') == "true":
    print "\n!! " + nodename + " is already synchronized"
    AdminControl.invoke(Syncl, 'sync')
    print "\n)) " + nodename + " synchronized"
print "Save the configuration changes?\n\n"


This was given me great learning oppurtunity the output makes me THRILLED!! O/P

AppSrvNode AppSrvNode02

Creating the Demo cluster
Creating the cluster members for the Demo cluster
Save the configuration changes?

Saving changes to the master repository


### Synchronizing the nodes

)) AppSrvNode synchronized

)) AppSrvNode02 synchronized

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