Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Latest Jython using in Thin Client WebSphere 8.5 on Vagrant Ubuntu box

How to use the latest Jython for wsadmin

Today my experiment on renovating wsadmin Jython version.

How to check the current Jython version?

It is very simple you can try with sys module attribute version and one more thing your jdk that used for wsadmin runs on which version you can know by sys.platform.
wsadmin>print sys.version
wsadmin>print sys.platform

  1. Installing Jython in Thin Client Home

  2. Executing the Jython jar command in the ThinClt/lib directory :
    vagrant@ubuntu-was8:~/ThinClt/lib$ java -jar /vagrant/was8_5_install/jython-installer-2.7.0.jar
    Welcome to Jython !
    You are about to install Jython version 2.7.0
    (at any time, answer c to cancel the installation)
    For the installation process, the following languages are available: English, German
    Please select your language [E/g] >>> E
    Do you want to read the license agreement now ? [y/N] >>> N
    Do you accept the license agreement ? [Y/n] >>> Y
    The following installation types are available:
      1. All (everything, including sources)
      2. Standard (core, library modules, demos and examples, documentation)
      3. Minimum (core)
      9. Standalone (a single, executable .jar)
    Please select the installation type [ 1 /2/3/9] >>> 2
    Do you want to install additional parts ? [y/N] >>> y
    The following parts are selectable (n = no more) [mod/demo/doc/src/ensurepip/N] >>> N
    N scheduled for installation
    The following parts are selectable (n = no more) [mod/demo/doc/src/ensurepip/N] >>> n
    Do you want to exclude parts from the installation ? [y/N] >>> y
    The following parts are selectable (n = no more) [mod/demo/doc/src/ensurepip/N] >>>
    Please enter the target directory >>> /home/vagrant/ThinClt/lib/jython
    Unable to find directory /home/vagrant/ThinClt/lib/jython, create it ? [Y/n] >>> Y
    Your java version to start Jython is: Oracle Corporation / 1.7.0_79
    Your operating system version is: Linux / 3.19.0-25-generic
      - mod: true
      - demo: true
      - doc: true
      - src: false
      - ensurepip: true
      - JRE: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre
    Please confirm copying of files to directory /home/vagrant/ThinClt/lib/jython [Y/n] >>> Y
     10 %
     20 %
     30 %
     40 %
     50 %
     60 %
     70 %
    Generating start scripts ...
    Installing pip and setuptools
     90 %
    Ignoring indexes:
    Downloading/unpacking setuptools
    Downloading/unpacking pip
    Installing collected packages: setuptools, pip
    Successfully installed setuptools pip
    Cleaning up...
     100 %
    Do you want to show the contents of README ? [y/N] >>> N
    Congratulations! You successfully installed Jython 2.7.0 to directory /home/vagrant/ThinClt/lib/jython.
  3. Copy Java from IBM WebSphere installed path
    cp -R $WAS_HOME/java ThinClt/
  4. copy from WAS_HOME/plugins
  5. Create properties folder in the ThinClt directory and copy the properties from
      cd $PROFILE_HOME/properties
      cp ipc.client.props ~/ThinClt/properties/
      cp soap.client.props ~/ThinClt/properties/
      cp sas.client.props ~/ThinClt/properties/
      cp ssl.client.props ~/ThinClt/properties/
      cp wsjaas_client.conf ~/ThinClt/properties/
    • ipc.client.props: supports IPC connections.
    • soap.client.props: supports SOAP connections modify to true existing value :
      changed to :
    • sas.client.props: supports JSR160RMI connections (preferred)
    • ssl.client.props: supports encrypted connections and modify user.root value
    • wsjaas_client.conf: supports secured connections.
    cp -R ../properties/messages/ ~/ThinClt/properties/
    vagrant@ubuntu-was8:~/ThinClt/properties$ ls -lrt
    total 52
    drwxr-xr-x 18 vagrant vagrant  4096 Sep 30 14:54 messages
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 vagrant vagrant  5442 Sep 30 14:56 ipc.client.props
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 vagrant vagrant  5370 Sep 30 14:57 soap.client.props
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 vagrant vagrant 12114 Sep 30 14:57 sas.client.props
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 vagrant vagrant  5025 Sep 30 15:00 ssl.client.props
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 vagrant vagrant  3789 Sep 30 15:01 wsjaas_client.conf
    -rwxrwxr-x  1 vagrant vagrant  8046 Sep 30 16:39
  6. Create logs directory in ThinClt
  7. Create profiles directory in ThinClt here you need to copy script.
    vagrant@ubuntu-was8:~/ThinClt$ mkdir profile
    vagrant@ubuntu-was8:~/ThinClt$ cp /vagrant/was8_5_install/ profile/
  8. Copy scriptLibraries to ThinClt directory rename it to wasScriptLibraries
    vagrant@ubuntu-was8:~/ThinClt$ mv scriptLibraries wasScriptLibraries
    Make sure all the class files are deleted so they get recompiled with the new Jython. From the directory:
    find ./wasScriptLibraries –name “*.class” | xargs rm
  9. Copy from the IBM download link then extract copy to ThinClt directory. Modify /opt to /home/vagrant  in vi editor : %s/opt/home\/vagrant/g
  10. Create a directory named etc in ~/ThinClt here the thin client key and trust store files will be created for use with encrypted connections to remote deployment managers.
    cd $PROFILE_HOME/etc/
    cp *p12 ~/ThinClt/etc
Use your brain when you failed to do the commands almost simplified more than IBM article!! :)

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